
Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment for skin rejuvenation.

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment for skin rejuvenation. By creating controlled micro-channels in skin tissue, these treatments encourage the body’s natural healing cascade to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, reduce acne scars, and stretch marks, and improve hyperpigmentation. With a short-treatment plan from Dr. Brooks or her P.A. Sammy Verner, you can improve your skin and boost your confidence!

How does microneedling work?

Microneedling works by increasing the production of collagen and elastin, as well as establishing new blood vessels, in the treated areas. Collagen, elastin, and healthy blood vessels are the building blocks of strong, unblemished skin. The microneedling pen uses tiny, fine needles to repeatedly penetrate the skin layer, creating micro-injuries. Treatments minimize cellular damage and remodel scar tissue, all while keeping the overall structure of the skin intact. The handheld microneedling device can safely and effectively be used on the face, neck, back, arms, and hands.

After the treatment, there are 3 phases to your body’s wound-repair process:

  1. Inflammation: piercing the skin triggers the immune system to disinfect wounds, increase blood flow, and remove debris. New tissue starts to be created.
  2. Proliferation: wounds are rebuilt with healthy, new cells, and a new network of blood vessels is developed.
  3. Remodeling: wounds are replaced with new dermal tissues and blood vessels.

What can I expect during treatments?

When you come into Boise Dermatology & Medspa for your treatment, we will apply a numbing agent to the areas that you are looking to address. The numbing agent will help to keep you comfortable, and most patients report only feeling a slight vibration from the microneedling device.

The pen-like device has a sterile cartridge-tip with 12 micro-needles. The device is gently pressed across your skin, gliding over the entire treatment area(s). The small, fine needles will create the micro-injuries, triggering your body’s wound-repair process. The procedure usually only takes 30 minutes, though the actual time will depend on the size of the treatment area. During the post-treatment phase, we will apply a hydrogel to help your skin hold in moisture.

What should I expect from the results?

Following treatments, you may notice immediately improved texture of your skin.* Further results are usually seen after any redness and swelling diminishes, usually 1-2 days. After the procedure, your skin will appear pink or red, similar to a mild sunburn. Some patients may experience rough skin, tightness, redness, itching, peeling, tenderness, and burning. These side effects usually resolve within a few days and without any complications.

Three treatments are usually recommended to get the best possible results, and maintenance treatments every 6-12 months may be necessary.* Some deeper conditions, such as acne scars, may require 6 or more treatments. Treatments come with 3-5 days of downtime. During that time, be sure to stay out of the sun and avoid exercise, saunas, and hot tubs.

Request an appointment at Boise Dermatology

Schedule an appointment at Boise Dermatology & Medspa to get a custom treatment plan. Our goal is to make you look and feel great. Call (208) 888-0660 or request an appointment online.

Concerns treated by Microneedling*


We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(208) 888-0660