Sun Protection Essentials: Your Guide to Choosing the Right Sunscreen

It’s officially time to break out the sunglasses, the shorts, and of course — most importantly — the sunscreen and SPF.   We’re taking the opportunity to deep dive into the world of sunscreen for a comprehensive guide on choosing the right one.

It’s officially time to break out the sunglasses, the shorts, and of course — most importantly — the sunscreen and SPF.  

We’re taking the opportunity to deep dive into the world of sunscreen for a comprehensive guide on choosing the right one. In honor of National SPF Day and the endless days of sunshine heading our way, we’re helping you prepare by taking 20% off all sunscreen, all month long. 

First, let’s get into it: we’re looking at the meaning behind SPF ratings, and the differences between physical and chemical sunscreens, and everything inbetween. Whether you’re a reformed tanner, have sensitive skin, or are just looking for the best daily protection, we’ve got you covered—literally.

Understanding SPF Ratings

First, the basics: SPF is an abbreviation for Sun Protection Factor. The SPF number indicates how long you can stay in the sun without getting sunburned compared to how long you can stay without any protection. For example, SPF 30 means you can theoretically stay out in the sun 30 times longer than without sunscreen.

However, while higher SPF means longer coverage, it doesn’t mean all-day protection. No matter the SPF number, reapplication every two hours is key (especially after sweating or swimming). Whether you opt for SPF 30, 50, or something in between, always be sure to reapply. 

Physical vs. Chemical Sunscreens

Understanding the differences between the two types of sunscreen, physical and chemical, can help you choose the right one for your skin and lifestyle. There are no wrong choices, only preferences. 

Physical Sunscreen: 

Also known as mineral sunscreens, they contain zinc oxide and work by sitting on top of the skin to physically block and reflect harmful UV rays. They’re ideal for sensitive skin types and those seeking immediate protection, as they work instantly upon application, and they’re less likely to cause irritation or exacerbate skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. 

Chemical Sunscreens:

Chemical sunscreens absorb into the skin and then absorb UV rays, converting them into heat, and releasing them from the body. They’re typically lighter and more suitable for daily use. However, they can sometimes irritate sensitive skin and require about 20 minutes to become effective after application.

Choosing the right sunscreen means considering your skin type and lifestyle. Here’s a cheat sheet to help you keep it simple: 

For Sensitive Skin: Opt for physical sunscreens as they’re less likely to cause irritation. Look for formulations designed specifically for sensitivity, free from fragrances and parabens.

For Oily or Acne-Prone Skin: Seek out water-based or gel formulations in chemical sunscreens that won’t clog pores. Look for terms like “non-comedogenic” on the label.

For Dry Skin: Cream-based sunscreens with hydrating ingredients can offer sun protection while moisturizing your skin.

For Active Lifestyles: Water-resistant sunscreens that stay on during sweating and swimming are crucial. Consider a broad-spectrum, high-SPF chemical sunscreen for prolonged outdoor activities.

For Daily Use: A lightweight chemical sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 can be worn under makeup. For those who prefer a no-fuss application, tinted sunscreens or moisturizers with SPF can offer protection and a touch of color.

Ultimately, the best sunscreen is the one you’ll use consistently. Enjoy the sunshine responsibly, stock up on your favorite sunscreen, and enjoy the season. We’re here for any questions: (208) 888-0660.  

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